An open letter to the Vixens

Poppy Open letter to the Vixens website
5 years ago

Dear the Vixens, I am writing to send you my heartfelt thanks for something amazing you have done for my daughter.

Poppy was diagnosed with severe anxiety and PTSD when she was just 7. To say everyday life was hard would be an understatement. Our whole lives were turned upside down for a long time. However, throughout all of the ups and downs she has carried on playing netball, and all because she has a hero!

Caitlin, you once wrote a letter to Poppy, a letter that not only gave her hope for the future, but inspired her to keep on going because she wasn’t alone. Someone she admired had come forward and told her that it’s OK, it gets easier and she will get through… Poppy was really encouraged when she learnt of the hard work you put in despite the challenges you had faced on your journey. It made her feel accepted and crucially, not different anymore!

Poppy and thousands of girls just like her with mental health conditions, get up every day and fight because of women like you.

For a child to have a hero, to have someone to look up to, aspire to be like and learn from, is worth more than gold. For the Vixens to go out on court and play your hardest every game, you’re not only putting on a great show, you’re telling each of your fans, that despite everything, they can do it! You’re cementing in their minds that no matter what life throws at them, no matter how they feel, no matter if they are different, or have health issues, they are all Vixens and they have the power to be anything.

As intense as it may sound, I can’t thank you enough for changing Poppy’s life. You encouraged her to keep trying, to keep playing netball and most importantly to keep living.

You are all heroes to many young girls across Australia, and being a hero is a superpower that can truly change lives.

Thank you,


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