Our midcourters sat down to write a letter to their younger selves. It was a time of reflection, and an opportunity to appreciate just how far they have come.
Liz Watson
Dear young Liz,
Netball is going to take you on the most amazing journey, you will meet some very special people, you will travel to so many amazing places and you will appreciate and understand how important and special your amazing family are with all their love and support along the way!
Make sure you speak up, be strong, follow what you believe in and work hard!! There are going to be tough times, premierships, close losses, injuries but the love of the game is what will keep you going!
Keep making your family proud.
P.S Your front tooth gap will close with age!
Allie Smith
Hey little Allie,
You have got so much to look forward to. Let’s start by saying how lucky you are to have been brought up in such a loving and caring family.
Now, let’s talk netball, because you’ll be so proud. You’ve nearly travelled to every state representing Victoria. We’ve made friends that will stick around for a long time but what you’ll most be proud of is that you are playing in the Suncorp Super Netball alongside JO WESTON!!!
I’ll give you a little word of advice though. Nothing comes easy, you’ve got to push yourself harder and harder each day. Lucky mum and dad taught you to fight hard for what you want and stick to what you believe in.
Also sorry to tell you but you don’t grow much more after the age of 13! But hey, you’re living your best life and one you definitely dreamed of.
Love Allie xxxx
Hannah Mundy
Dear Hannah Banana,
Wow, a lot has changed in the last 10 or so years and I’m super proud of you.
You’ve grown even taller, still fight Jasper for the front seat of the car and somehow finished school.
Keep being your competitive self and giving absolutely everything at training - hard work pays off!
Maybe something you should think about learning a little bit earlier would be how to work the dishwasher and cooking more than just Vegemite toast...
Who would’ve thought that one day you’d be playing alongside some of your idols that are on the posters on your wall, such a dream come true.
Love Hannah xxxx
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