A letter to my younger self...from Tegan Philip

Tegan letter website
3 years ago

Hey you,

What is coming your way is going to shape you as a person. You are going to believe in yourself and have confidence in yourself so much more than you do now. Don’t worry about fitting in or doing what everyone wants you to do, stay true to you.

Keep your head down and work hard, even when you think you don’t have to or when no one is watching, you will be better for it. Take every opportunity that comes your way, especially the ones that are unexpected.

There are going to be some awesome times ahead but also some challenges and no matter how hard they seem, always continue to work through them. Surround yourself with supportive people, they will also help you work though them. Share the tough times and don’t forget to celebrate the great times together.

Never forget God has a plan for you, trust in him!

You got some good things coming your way.

You got this!

Tegan Philip

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