Quiet Sensory Room at Vixens home games

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5 years ago

Implemented at our autism awareness match in Round 10, the Quiet Sensory Room is available for children on the spectrum and their families to watch the game comfortably.

The room is targeted at kids up to the age of 15 but due to the multi-functional space, the room can also be used for adults.

The room has the following activities:

  • Colouring in with use of textas and pencils
  • Toy blocks
  • A variety of soft sensory balls - these include, grip, soft textured and squeeze balls
  • Headphones to use to block out the noise
  • Large beanbags to sit and have quiet time with Foxy soft toys
  • Books
  • ASD tattoos

The activities are all placed behind the glass so that attendees can be away from the noise of the game, while still being able to watch the action live. Carers and children can watch the game from the seats on the other side of the glass if they would like. The room is also set up so that the parents can watch the game in the seats and the kids can do activities in the room.

Netball Victoria/Melbourne Vixens have been working with Scope on this program and have been invaluable in their advice and guidance on what to place in the room.

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